120+ Captivating College Essay Topics For Students

For students, college essay topics

Are you looking for college essay topics that are unique? Are you looking for college essay topics that will make an impact? Continue reading if you answered yes.

College students can demonstrate their writing skills by writing essays. Some colleges ask students to write persuasive essays on college topics. The college will then evaluate them based on the quality of their essays.

It is important to have a topic that you are passionate about in order for your essay or article to be a success. Students will usually be asked to write essays about any topic. Some faculty will require students to select a college essay topic from a set of options.

The task of choosing a topic for your essay is difficult. This blog post will help college students choose the right topic for their essay.

Topics for essays in college application

Tell us your story.
– The book you love most.
– Tell us about a significant moment in your own life.
– Tell us about someone you admire.
Write about a meaningful extracurricular activity.
– What motivates and inspires you?
– Lessons learned from failure or success.
– Why have you chosen this university/college/course?
Write about the life challenges that you have faced.
How can you make a difference?
Life lessons
Failure is the first step towards success
– Why school life is the best time of your life?
– Learn from the obstacles
– Challenge your beliefs
– Tell us about an instance when your worldview was challenged. Why? Do you want to do it again?

Creative College Essay Topics

What are your long term goals for life?
– What career options are available after you graduate from college?
How can the average person support orphans without spending a lot of money?
– Finding the right idols to inspire positive lifestyle change in teens.
Describe what makes you different from other people.
– Which period of history would you like to travel back in?
– What if you could change just one moment of your life? Why or not?
– Write about a life-changing experience that changed your outlook and forever changed your way of thinking.
How can students be more responsible?
– Can social media bans be used to decrease suicides?
What advice would your high school students like you to give them in order to make a successful career?
– What is the most famous quote that describes you?
Write about the problem you want to solve. You can make it as large or small as you like!
– Name a book or film where the protagonist has to make difficult decisions. What was your reaction to their decision?

Unique College Essay Topics

– Has discrimination affected you?
Who are you role models?
How can you help the world as an individual?
Discuss a family custom that embarrasses.
How can you navigate your identity as multi-ethnic, multilingual or multiracial person?
– How do you manage a male-dominated field as an individual?
– What is your definition of home?
– What advice would you give your younger self regarding friendship?
– Where will you be in 10 or twenty years?
– What were your strategies to overcome your particular anxiety?
What would you like to see changed after becoming Prime Minister?
Describe your most joyful and embarrassing moments in life
– Making the right choice. The college essay you write can focus on making a choice.
Good and Bad Habits
– Major challenges.
– Time-management practices.
– Memorable events.
University life: Expectations
– Interactions between classmates
– Freshman experience.

For college students, compare and contrast essay topics

– Feeling sad versus feeling lonely
– Driving a vehicle or riding on a bus
– Tea or coffee
– Camping in the forest versus relaxing by the ocean
Compare and contrast the lives of an elderly person and a small-sized child.
Fascism, Nazism: What are the Differences Between These Two Concepts?
– Remote or traditional education
Which is more difficult: Living up to the expectations of others or following your dreams?
Is it a better alternative to working full-time?
Gender issues: Different mental processes of males and females.
– Living in big cities or in small villages
– Anthropology and Religious studies
Comparison of home-schooling and public schooling
Which is harder: being a man or a woman?
Compare and contrast how important it is to speak well and listen well.
Comparing and contrasting traditional and modern art

College Level Topics for Descriptive Essays

Describe an imaginary place.
– Tell someone you have never met about your personality.
– Describe your perfect fantasy vacation destination.
Describe the place you spend most of your time relaxing and spending time with.
Describe the most embarrassing moment you have ever experienced.
Describe the place your pet enjoys spending their time.
Describe any haunted places you are familiar with.
Describe your first encounter with a friend.
– Name a famous person you’d like to meet.
– Write about someone you admire.
Describe your lucky item
– Name the most bizarre person you have ever met.
– Tell us about a time when you were afraid.
Describe any help you received from someone else.
Describe the look of the first home on the Moon.
– Tell us about your fantasies of becoming a supernatural character

Proposal essay topics for college students

How to stop trust erosion in businesses for good
Parents should teach their children financial education.
– Corporate companies should reward their employees with more than just money.
Paid internships to solve youth unemployment
What can individuals do to fight global climate change
– How can we reduce underemployment rates?
– Should high schoolers be taught religious studies?
How to create the best sleep environment for you.
– How do students and teachers affect the educational process?
How can you teach your kids how to win and lose in sports and other aspects of life?
Are you motivated by money to do better at work?
Teachers, how can you make your classes more interesting and engage students better?
– How to deal with manipulative people.
How to end a bad relationship
How to detect and recognize social media dishonesty

Interesting College Essay Topics

How can you deal with bullying at school?
– Which one is better for pets?
Which historical event did you consider the most significant?
Instagram: What does it mean for modern photography?
– Strategies for attracting new customers through E-commerce
Do you find it easier to learn languages by traveling?
A rebellion in your life.
– A negative example for cowardice.
– Explain why it is important to have tolerance at work.
How can “fake news” affect the political and socio-economic life of people?
– Should immigrants be granted more rights?
Types of social evils in poorly developed countries
– Global Warming – Is it real or is it propaganda?
– To be a politician: Talent or art?
Globalization: Advantages & Disadvantages
The advantages and disadvantages of immigration

Some other popular topics for college essays

– Matchmaking can lower divorce rates
– How do I raise respectful teens?
How can you increase your self-confidence?
How can teachers use more artistic support materials in classes?
Simple ways to save money
Describe the intellectual problems you are looking to solve.
High school seniors should take one year off to prepare for college.
– Human characteristics that are similar to animals
– How can you step out of your comfort zones?
Participating in group sports builds character.
– Which is more important: happiness or wealth?
– You can be a successful person without any formal education.
– Which book would your family recommend?
– This is the best advice you’ve ever received in your whole life.
– Select a quote to describe you. Explain why it connects with you.
Describe the invention you believe has had the greatest negative impact on the world.
Freedom – What does it mean to you?
– What is your ethnic identity?
Music can help you finish your homework quicker.
Sports have a positive impact on our lives.
– Tell a story which illustrates your personality.
– What makes you different?
– Your attitude towards tattoos
What amount of money are you able to spend on happiness?
– Fashion obsession is important.

Last words

You can choose any of the engaging college essay topics that we have suggested. Make sure you choose a topic that is persuasive when writing an essay for your college admissions. Never pick topics on sensitive subjects, controversies, humor, illegal behavior, tragedies, etc. You may lose your readers’ trust by choosing sensitive topics.

Your essay topic will have more value than just the content. Sometimes, it may seem that your topic will make you score high. This is not always true.
Your faculty and admissions panel might not like the topic you find exciting. Some topics are not suitable for writing. It is important to choose the right topics for college essays.

If you have trouble finding the perfect topic for your college essay or are unsure how to write a compelling college essay, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of professional writers will help you in selecting the best college essay and will alsoprovidetop-quality assistance with essay writing.


  • lukeparker1

    I'm a teacher and blogger from the UK, and I write about education and parenting. I'm also a dad to two little boys, and I love spending time with them and exploring new places with them.