College Students’ Top Weekend Activities

Weekends are often seen as a time for rest and relaxation, but for college students, they can be a valuable opportunity to unwind from a busy week of classes and assignments. While some may choose to catch up on sleep or binge-watch their favorite TV shows, there are a plethora of activities that can make the most of these two precious days. In this article, we will explore some popular weekend routines, pastimes, and habits among college students, providing insights into how they spend their weekends and offering ideas for fun and fulfilling activities. Whether you’re a college student looking for new ways to spend your free time or simply curious about the weekend lifestyle of your peers, read on to find out more.

As students explore diverse ways to spend their weekends, it’s worth noting that some may seek external assistance for their academic endeavors. For those looking for support in research paper writing, reliable services like Research Paper Writing Service can be a valuable resource. These services can aid in producing high-quality papers, allowing students to manage their time effectively and focus on other aspects of their academic and personal lives.

Activities for College Students on Weekends

College life can be busy and hectic, with classes, assignments, and extracurricular activities filling up most of the weekdays. But when the weekend arrives, it’s time to take a break and unwind from the stress of academic life. For college students, weekends are a much-needed respite from the demands of school and a chance to have some fun. Whether you’re an introvert who enjoys quiet activities or an extrovert who loves being around people, there are plenty of things for college students to do on weekends.

What Do College Students Do on Weekends?

Weekends are a time for college students to relax, recharge, and have some fun. The activities will vary depending on individual preferences and interests, but some common ways that college students spend their weekends include:

  • Hanging out with friends
  • Attending parties and social events
  • Exploring the campus and surrounding area
  • Watching movies or binge-watching TV shows
  • Playing sports or participating in recreational activities
  • Going to concerts or live events
  • Volunteering for community service projects
  • Traveling to nearby cities or attractions
  • Catching up on sleep and relaxation

While these are some popular options, ultimately, how college students choose to spend their weekends will depend on their personal interests and preferences.

Weekend Routines for College Students

Some college students may have a set weekend routine that they like to follow, while others may take a more spontaneous approach. Let’s take a look at two examples of typical weekend routines for college students.

Example 1: The Social Butterfly


  • After class, meet up with friends for a quick lunch or coffee
  • Attend an on-campus event or party in the evening
  • Hang out with friends and watch a movie or play games


  • Sleep in and head to the dining hall for brunch with friends
  • Go shopping or explore the local area with friends
  • Attend a concert or sports game in the evening


  • Attend a church service or participate in a religious activity
  • Study or work on assignments in the afternoon
  • Have a quiet dinner with roommates or friends

Example 2: The Introvert


  • Finish up assignments and projects before the weekend officially begins
  • Curl up with a good book or watch a movie alone
  • Order takeout and have a quiet night in


  • Sleep in and cook a nice breakfast
  • Take a walk or go for a bike ride
  • Work on personal hobbies or passions


  • Do some grocery shopping and meal prep for the upcoming week
  • Study or work on assignments in the afternoon
  • Have a relaxing spa night at home

Both of these routines are just examples, and weekend plans for college students will vary greatly based on their individual personalities and preferences.

Fun Things for College Students to Do on Weekends

Now that we’ve covered some general ideas for how college students spend their weekends, let’s dive into some specific activities that can make your free time more enjoyable and memorable.

1. Plan a Picnic

Gather some friends, pack a delicious lunch, and head to a local park or scenic spot for a picnic. You can relax, enjoy good food, and have a chance to catch up with each other.

2. Try a New Restaurant

Weekends are the perfect time to try a new restaurant that you’ve been wanting to check out. This is a great way to explore the local area and treat yourself to a tasty meal.

3. Attend a Community Event

Many towns and cities have community events on weekends, such as festivals, markets, and concerts. Look up what’s happening in your area and attend with friends or roommates.

4. Organize a Game Night

Invite some friends over for a game night filled with board games, card games, or even video games. It’s a fun and low-key way to spend time with friends without having to leave your dorm or apartment.

5. Go to a Museum or Art Gallery

If you’re looking for a more cultural and educational activity, consider visiting a museum or art gallery. Many of these places offer free admission for students, so take advantage of it!

6. Take a Day Trip

Take a break from campus and plan a day trip to a nearby town, hiking trail, or beach. It’s a great way to get some fresh air, explore new places, and make memories with friends.

7. Host a Movie Marathon

Gather some snacks, blankets, and pillows, and spend the day binge-watching your favorite movies or TV shows. This is a perfect activity for relaxing and unwinding after a long week of classes.

8. Attend a Sports Game

If your college has a sports team, show your support by attending a game or match on the weekend. It’s a fun way to bond with classmates and cheer on your school’s team.

9. Volunteer in the Community

Use your free time to give back to the community by volunteering at a local event, fundraiser, or charity organization. Not only will you be doing something meaningful, but you’ll also gain valuable experiences and skills.

10. Relax and Recharge

Last but not least, sometimes the best way to spend a weekend is by doing nothing at all. Take this time to recharge your batteries, catch up on sleep, and prepare yourself for the upcoming week.

College Weekend Lifestyle

The weekend lifestyle for college students may look different from person to person, but there are some common themes and habits that many students follow. For instance, weekends are often a time for socializing, having fun, and taking a break from academic responsibilities.

Additionally, weekends may also be a time for students to catch up on missed sleep and recharge. With busy schedules and late nights studying, many college students use weekends to get some much-needed rest.

Furthermore, weekends can also be an opportunity for personal growth and development. Activities like volunteering, learning new skills, or pursuing passions can help students become well-rounded individuals and prepare them for life after graduation.

If you’re a college student looking for more ideas on how to spend your weekends, be sure to check out This college website offers resources, events, and opportunities for students to get involved and make the most out of their college experience.


Weekends are a precious time for college students to have fun, relax, and recharge. From social activities to exploring new places to personal development, there are many ways for students to make the most of their weekends. So, take a break from school work and go have some fun with friends or pursue your passions. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

In conclusion, weekends are a crucial time for college students to relax, recharge, and have fun after a hectic week of classes and assignments. This article has explored various activities and pastimes that are popular among college students on weekends. From trying out new hobbies to exploring the local area, there are endless options for college students to make the most of their weekends. It is important for students to not only use this time for leisure, but also to prioritize self-care and mental well-being. By finding a balance between relaxation and productivity, college students can create a fulfilling weekend routine and lead a healthy college lifestyle. Whether it’s spending time with friends, indulging in a favorite hobby, or simply taking some time for oneself, there are plenty of ways for college students to make the most of their weekends. So go ahead and plan your perfect weekend getaway or try out a new activity – your weekend habits can greatly impact your overall college experience.


  • lukeparker1

    I'm a teacher and blogger from the UK, and I write about education and parenting. I'm also a dad to two little boys, and I love spending time with them and exploring new places with them.